Here's the "wow" part. Florida Republican Tom Feeney (I don't think he's any relation to the crotchety principal in Boy Meets World) released a statement containing this sentence:
DNC Chair Howard Dean and his liberal entourage should be called the UNDemocratic party for their refusal to honor the election results from Florida's 13th Congressional District.
I could say a lot about this, but I'm just not sure what to add. I could talk about how Feeney refuses to address the issues, instead setting up a straw man and making a ridiculous ad hominem attack worthy of a 6-year-old, but that just seems too easy. Any suggestions?
Perhaps by addressing the continuing thought- ""There is no way to stimulate 18,000 disenchanted voters or reconnect with voters who deliberately chose not to vote for this particular seat," Feeney said. "It would be irresponsible to have a new election every time someone claims 'confusion' at voting precincts.""
Or stick with the soundbyte as if it was his whole argument :)
Perhaps you missed the point of luaphacim's criticism. There's obviously a disagreement on the subject, but Feeney's rhetoric is beyond pathetic.
Yeah, it's hard to see how wanting to make sure every vote is counted qualifies as "undemocratic." I can't comment on the issue at hand given that this is the first I've heard of it, but that is indeed a rather unfortunate argumentative tactic...
Yeah, I recognize that it's hard to know what 18,000 voters were thinking... still, it seems that such a hotly contested race would make people likely to vote, doesn't it? It makes me nervous that the GOP response to concerns about the integrity of the electoral process is "c'mon, you big bunch of babies, accept our victory and be done with it."
the numbers just dont add up. something went wrong in an election with such a high undervote. 13% of voters just don't skip a congressional race. that just doesnt happen.
the only bipartisan solution has to be a revote or a completely new election.
I would be nervous.. except for when the Dems win, the GOP accepts the victory and moves on. They seem to have more faith in democracy....
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