20 April 2007

And another one bites the dust...

Note from the LuapHacim, 11/14/2012: The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect my current beliefs and convictions. Even if they do, I would almost certainly express them in different words today. Time changes people, and I am not exempt. Nonetheless, because of its historical value, I will not modify or remove this post. It tells you (and me) something important about where I've been. Read on at your own peril.

The Mexican golden boy of the Bush administration is about to be gone, by all accounts. His dismal performance before the Senate has convinced everyone -- even Arlen Specter -- that he needs to be fired for being a terrible liar. The Toronto Globe and Mail has the story:
U.S. Attorney-General Alberto Gonzales, President George W. Bush's long-time friend and trusted legal adviser, was clinging to his job yesterday after failing to persuade skeptical senators that he wasn't lying.
One can't help but wonder why so many members of our upstanding Christian president's staff end up getting in trouble for lying like sociopaths.


Unknown said...

I'm thinking he'll keep his job. Why all the "I don't recall"s? See Exhibit A: Scooter Libby.

Must not perjure thyself in Democrat witchhunts.

Anonymous said...

Yup. It's a definite witchhunt when members of both parties are saying that you messed up badly, and when you keep changing your stories about what you knew, what you decided, how the decisions were made, who made them, why they were made, and why you can't give a consistent answer to any of these questions.

Poor Gonzo. He's just being picked on by those evil Democrats!

Unknown said...

Eb, the "scandal" is over the fact that 8 attorneys were fired. No wrongdoing occured in the firing. Now you have supposed wrongdoing in how it was handled and what was said in the aftermathby Gonzalez. Congrats. Just as in Libby, you have found wrongdoing in what was said after the fact. We know Libby didn't leak a covert agent, but dems got him on perjury. Once again, you have at most a process wrongdoing. The dems started a witchhunt over a non existent scandal and end up with a minor figure in the bush admin who the worst anyone has been able to prove is that he may have lied. Again, congratulations.

luaphacim said...

/flame war

luaphacim said...

I see the hearings as a good thing; I think it's vital that officials be held accountable for their decisions. As for no wrongdoing occurring during the firings, I think that's probably for our elected officials (including the esteemed Sen. Specter) to find out. But that's just me.

Anonymous said...

If there was no wrong doing during the firings, then why can't Gonzo explain why the attorneys were fired/