09 April 2006

From the New Yorker...

Interesting New Yorker column by Seymour Hersh in the 4-17 edition of the magazine: it suggests that
The Bush Administration, while publicly advocating diplomacy in order to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack.

Not only that, but this potential air attack may include the use of B61-11 tactical nukes to ensure "decisive" destruction of vital targets such as presumed centrifuges allegedly capable of producing radioactive material. This would be a logical step in our esteemed Commander-in-Chief's programme for Americanizing and democratizing the world by force... a senior defense official claims that, according to the administration's logic, heavy bombing would speed the inevitable democratic revolution that is bound to occur sometime soon in Iran. Bay of Pigs, anyone?

I hope Hersh is wrong here. Because if he isn't, this would be the one surest way to increase the number of terrorist attacks on America a thousandfold. And maybe, if Hersh is right, we wouldn't be all that undeserving of such attacks. After all, we did put that man in the power seat... and allowed him to return for Four More Years, Four More Years, Four More Years! even after some enormous displays of incompetence and willingness to lie.

I don't buy into Phelpsian theology, but I would be seriously surprised if God were at all pleased with our nation right now. Hopefully, there are enough Lots among us to prevent a hailstorm of divine wrath. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

word, I didn't know you were writing over here now instead of at xanga...
back from russia for a few hours, now on to the netherlands....